
Year End Ratings

What are year-end ratings?

  • Around December 1st of every year, a “year-end” rating is published for every player nationwide.  Computerized ratings are affected by the score of a match as well as the dynamic ratings of a player’s partner and the player’s opponents. Based on player dynamic ratings at the start of a match, the NTRP algorithm expects a particular outcome of a match. The actual outcome is then compared to the expected outcome, and as a result of this comparison, the player’s dynamic rating is adjusted up or down (or there is no change, if the outcome was as expected). Computerized ratings are not directly affected by what position a player played, actual number of wins and losses, age, or team standing.

Who will receive a year-end rating in 2024?

  • All Adult 18 & Over, 40 & Over, 55 & Over, 65 & Over and NTRP Tournament players who played at least three matches between the middle of November in 2023 through the middle of November in 2024.  
  • Those who don’t have a valid computer (C) rating and ONLY played Mixed Doubles (minimum of 3 matches) will generate a Mixed Exclusive rating.

When will year-end ratings be published?

  • The scheduled release date is December 3, 2024.

What if I am already registered on a 2025 Championship Year team?

  • Players who are already registered on a 2025 Championship Year league team (early start league) whose published rating at the time of registration was in level may continue playing on their current team and may advance to the state championship with that team at that level unless their NTRP rating reaches the disqualification mark for that level.  If the players 2024 Year-End rating publishes at the disqualification mark for that level, they will receive a letter via email with notification they must stop playing on that team immediately. and/or indicated that I would get bumped up (or down), but I didn’t. Why?

  • The USTA posts the official NTRP ratings on our website, TennisLink, located at This is the only public website where official NTRP ratings authorized by the USTA are posted and can be obtained. 
  • The USTA is aware of other sites that suggest they provide NTRP ratings or player statistics and skill analysis. Any alleged NTRP related information available on these other sites is not endorsed by the USTA, may not be accurate and cannot be relied upon. USTA is in the process of taking all appropriate actions against these sites available to us.

Which matches are not used in the NTRP calculations in the Southern Section ?

  • Combo Doubles, Flex Leagues, 70 & Over are not used in ratings calculations.

How are ratings calculated?

  • The dynamic ratings for 18 & Over, 40 & Over and 55 & Over Adult League matches are calculated every night in a national database. Adult 65 & Over and NTRP Tournament results are calculated once the last day of league match results is determined.  After all National Championships, benchmarks are factored with the final dynamic rating to calculate a year-end rating. 
  • Mixed Doubles (for those who ONLY play Mixed Doubles) and Adult 65 & Over League data is included during the final calculation of year-end ratings. 
  • Ratings are actually calculated out to the 100th. So where you may see 4.0, the system sees somewhere between 3.51-4.00. Ratings to the 100th are not published. 
  • While calculating ratings, for both the dynamic and benchmark rating processes, the computer calculates a rating for each match played. This is based on dynamic rating at the time of the match for you, your partner and your opponent(s), as well as the score of the match. The computer calculates a rating for every player in each match. At the end of the year, the computer combines the ratings of your match results with the benchmark ratings. After these have been included, your final year end rating is determined and published.


  • What is important and what is used in the calculation is the score of the match and the strength of your opponent. A singles example: You play a computer rated person that is a strong 4.0 player (3.90) and you lose the match, 6-4,6-3. Then you play a weaker 4.0 player (3.52) and win the match 7-5, 6-4. When the computer calculates your ratings for each of those matches, your match rating might actually be higher for the loss to the stronger player than it is for a close win over a weaker player. This is because the computer is measuring you against your opponent and this is determined by how close the match is according to the score. When measuring you against the stronger player, even though you lost, your match was competitive. Though you might not have been as strong as your opponent in that match, you were fairly close and would receive a strong match rating. When measuring you against the weaker player, the match was a very close one, only one break in each set was the difference. You and that player, on that day, were fairly close in performance, and you would receive a match rating close to, but above, your opponent’s.

To view your Year-End Rating

If you have additional questions, please contact
Carolina Kaminski via email at