Teach Tennis
You help shape the future of the kids you teach every day, and tennis is an excellent sport to help you in that mission. Studies show that youth who play tennis are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors and volunteer in the community. The USTA created Net Generation with you in mind and with your help, we can inspire kids to get active—and stay active!
Net Generation has the resources you need to be successful on and off the court. Registration is free and when you become an active part of Net Generation, Official Youth Tennis of the USTA, you will get access to turnkey tennis curriculum, lesson plans, equipment and more. The Net Generation curriculum was developed with teachers in mind. Created in conjunction with SHAPE America, we’ve created comprehensive lesson plans for K-12 to give teachers the tools to teach tennis in physical education classes. It’s easy, customizable and designed for anyone, regardless of experience.
Free Resources
- Curriculum
- School Tennis Station Cards
- School Tennis Activity Videos
- Training Opportunities: In-person or virtual workshop to learn about the school tennis program.
- Equipment: Partner with a local coach or organization and receive a free equipment kit including a Net Generation roller bag, youth racquets (30), low compression tennis balls (18 foam and 18 red), along with chalk and Net Generation barrier tape to create nets and draw courts. *Items subject to change
- AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM GRANT – USTA Georgia and the Georgia Tennis Foundation are proud to support teachers who offer tennis as an afterschool program. ThIs grant is exclusively for educators. Approved Afterschool Tennis Programs will receive up to $500 in funding to support equipment, marketing, program expense, and more. APPLY HERE
- HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS TEAM GRANT – USTA Georgia and the Georgia Tennis Foundation are proud to support High School Tennis Programs across the state. This grant offers up to $250 in equipment assistance to approved High School Tennis Teams. Funding can be used for essential equipment such as tennis balls, racquets, nets, uniforms and other necessary items to help teams thrive. We look forward to supporting your team and growing the game of tennis in Georgia! APPLY HERE
USTA Georgia Contacts
Amanda Boudreau
Director of School Tennis
Fiona Hatton
School and Community Tennis Coordinator