USTA Southern has partnered with Match Tennis App to highlight junior tennis athletes who display exemplary sportsmanship. Join in the Good Chase and vote for those specific players to earn prizes and even a chance to go to the US Open and 4 other Professional Tennis Tournament Experiences!
Monthly Good Chase Sportsmanship Winners

Sophia Kang – USTA Georgia’s April Good Chase Sportsmanship Winner
Congratulations to Sophia Kang! What players are saying: “Was very friendly and courteous. No bad calls.” “Never makes opponent feel bad by shouting loudly.” “Has

Leo Blount – USTA Georgia’s March Good Chase Sportsmanship Winner
Congratulations to Leo Blount! What players are saying: “Great opponent!” “This person has a great attitude out on the court and is a very

Vigneswar Vadivelan – USTA Georgia’s February Good Chase Sportsmanship Winner
Congratulations to Vigneswar Vadivelan! What players are saying: “Fair, good attitude” “He was very nice” “…good at handling calls and very calm…”

Brynlee Lindamood – USTA Georgia’s January Good Chase Sportsmanship Winner
Congratulations to Brynlee Lindamood! What players are saying: “Good Calls” “Polite and Great attitude on court” “Compliments opponents on good shots” Thank you, Brynlee