2025 CTDW Presentations:
**Market Like You Mean It (Lindsey Davila & Reagan Stephenson)
**Customer Service Matters (Andrew Feldman)
**An Evolving Era (Michelle Fields & Darren Potkey)
**Game On: How CTAs Can Attract and Develop Tennis Coaches (Allan Jensen & Francie Barragan)
(**USTA Southern Coaches Workshops – material from above session**)
**Roundtable Discussions: Serving Up Tennis Apprentice (Carolina Kaminski)
**Serving Up Serve Tennis (Milly Sequera Huss)
**Simply the Best – Writing Nominations Better Than the Rest (Lesley Stephens & Mike Williams)
**The GTF’s Mission Continues Forward (Amanda Boudreau, Dom Masciantonio & Darren Potkey)
**Mapping the Future of Tennis: Using Kinetica to Understand Your Community (Morgan Brannon)
**That Can’t Possibly Be the Rule… (Darren Potkey & Eva Marie McCravy
**Crazy For Canva (Reagan Stephenson)
2024 CTDW Presentations:
**You’ve Got a Marketing Friend in Me! (Lindsey Davila & Reagan Stephenson)
**Advocacy on the Ground (Laura Weygandt)
**Beyond the Horizon (Darren Potkey & Eric Schmook)
**Have No Fear, Chat GPT is Here! (Reagan Stephenson & Lindsey Davila)
**Serve Tennis – Making It Happen! (Sofia Donlevy)
**Partnering with Parks and Recreation Agencies (Scott Novak)
**The Georgia Tennis Foundation Gives Back (Amanda Boudreau, Dom Masciantonio & Darren Potkey)
**Rookie Oogie Oogie! (Carolina Kaminski & Mike Williams)
**Volunteer Program Management (Jennifer Gregg)
**Love Tennis? Serve the Game as a USTA Official (Eva Marie McCravy & Darren Potkey)